Sunday, May 23, 2010

Attitude towards all of us

JC attitudes towards all of us and so do we have to practice it.

JC was pleased with the nature of little children. For Mark 10:14-15, Matt 18:3-4, it means that y children have trust in their parent. Just because they have sincerity and genuineness. They just simply trust their parent and receive the blessing from the parent. Besides, we have to humbly come to depend on JC and to learn give and take the gift or the assistance or chances that are offered. Furthermore, we should humble ourself to be teachable and wiling to learn. We must be thankful for the JC' attitude and be obedient to HIM.

One thing that come to my mind is that, it is good being a child. As for they, all the expression will post on their face. And what they said are what they mean. Yes, they mean it "YES". No, they mean it as "NO!". However, from what had been done among most of us are we do not mean it on what we said. Of course, I'm not asking and predicting all of us posting out our expression in front of the people since we had become an adult and have to be "jaga" our face.XD

Nowadays, the answer from people not really relevant to the question. It's quite irritating and annoying. They answer other things else instead of giving the answer that is appropriate to the question. Come on, girls and guys!!! You know, sometimes when I'm asked you a simple question which need your simply reply on 'yes' or 'no' or giving some reasons on why u can't make it, you gave a long long excuse. For what?!!! Giving an excuse to comfort yourself?? Mean it on what u said. Giving a convenient for you yourself and also others. Yes, plz mean it "yes"; No, plz mean it "no". Juz like a child, sincere and genuine. Thank you..