果然还是俗语说得好:“几分努力,几分收获!”。 往往都不怎么用工、不怎么努力,硬着头皮拼下去,为的是不辜负父母对我的期望&让自己有所交待; 到头来所得到的不怎么理想、差强人意。自责为何这样这样这样、当初为什么不这样这样这样。。。
Guys and girls,
From now onwards, try not to blaming yourself or others that why you can't get this or that? It is because you never put all the effort on it(refer to some cases but not all/everything).
Share one life script with you all which may probably encourage you whenever & whatever you are doing.
The me I see is the me I'll be.
If I can hold it in my head, I can hold it in my hands.
The vision that I glorify in my mind,
the ideal that I enthrone in my heart,
this I will build my life by & this I will become.
As I advance confidently in the direction of my dream,
and endeavor to live the life that I have imagined,
success will come to me unexpectedly in common hours.
Mind is the master power that moulds & makes,
and man is mind, and ever more he takes the tools of thought and shaping what he wills,
brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills;
I think in secret & it comest to pass,environment is but my looking glass.
I become what I think about, I am the sum total of my thoughts.